LDPE Plastic Sheets

With the emerging concept of Global village, India has been proving its capabilities in different sectors. Thus with passage of time & industrialization the importance of plastic has emerged as a substitute to many different metals and chemicals. Some of the major areas focused are irrigation, Rainwater Harvesting, Jalkund, factories, construction projects and many more. In all the above applications, LDPE polythene sheet plays as an impervious layer for farming, Lining of ponds and reservoirs preventing the losses of “run of water”. These LDPE Plastic Sheets save gallons of potable and irrigation water, helping farmers to produce more with same quantity of water and giving a helping hand to save environment by saving water.

LDPE Plastic Sheets for Storage / Warehousing Lining

ldpe-plastic-sheets-for-storage-warehousing-liningLdpe polythene sheet has property of moisture and climate resistant so it is used efficiently in storage and warehousing lining. We manufacture  anti moisture ldpe sheets that protect the products stored within from moisture as well as infestations. In rainy season extra care is required for products so it does not get damage and affect like change in properties, quality, texture, shape, colour and over all product so Ldpe sheets are used as they are light in weight and provide a complete protection. Ldpe lining sheets are durable and keep the products safe. Ldpe sheet are also used as shelter during any natural calamity occurs. Ldpe polythene sheets are also used to cover cotton heaps before ginning & protecting young tree after transplanting from climatic hazards


LDPE Plastic Sheets For Fish Breeding Films / Fish Farming Pond

fish-breeding-films-fish-farming-ponds-250x250Fish breeding is a challenge now a days. Fish are cold blooded animal and they are very sensitive to the change in temperature of their environment. If the fish tank is too cold the fish becomes stressed and are suspected to infections and if the temperature gets warmer the dissolved oxygen level drops rapidly and fish can literally suffocate. Therefore it is essential to avoid drastic fluctuation so ldpe plastic sheets are used for fish breeding to maintain the temperature. While some species reproduce freely in community tanks, most require special conditions, known as spawning triggers before they will breed. Thus Polythene lining helps to create a environment which help to reproduce and health living of fish.

Fish Farming is done commercially to raise fish for food and for their protein content. Fish is also been breed for recreational activities. Now a days the level of consumption of food items have increased than ever before. Thus, Commercial breeding is becoming more and more popular.


LDPE Plastic Sheets for Agricultural Storage Cover

agricultural-storage-covers-250x250Agricultural Storage Cover are fabricated using superior quality granules, which is procured from trusted market vendors. Our covers are used to provide safety to the wide range of agricultural products from rain, water, dust and heat. Moreover, we also undertake customization orders from our clients to manufacture these covers as per their specifications.


LDPE Plastic Sheets

anti-moisture-godown-flooring-warehouse-lining-250x250LDPE Plastic Sheets for Anti Moisture Godown Flooring & Warehouse Lining. We manufacture anti moisture Godown flooring and warehousing sheets that protect the products stored within from moisture as well as infestations. They are light in weight and provide a complete protection. These sheets are also durable and keep the products safe. These sheets do not become brittle with time and use.


LDPE Plastic Sheets For Pond Lining, Lake Lining & Water Storage

pond-lining-lake-lining-water-storages-250x250LDPE Plastics Sheets are extensively used for prevention of soil pollution. They are used as lining material to store water by constructing an artificial pond in area for cultivation of crops by farmers which helps them to storing water at a low cost and using for rest of the seasons protecting water contaminations and preventing polluted water from entering groundwater sources.

India has the largest amount of rainfall in the world. Despite this, India conserves only approx. 1% of rainwater, with the remaining amount of rainwater returns to the ocean, whereas the developed countries conserve approx. 15-16% of the available natural resources through rain /ice melting /river water etc. The prevention of water loss helps in the potable water conservation and conserves soil erosion. Pond lining becomes addition supplement to irrigation. Thus this gives our farmers an edge of storing water for farming at affordable prices.


LDPE Plastic Sheets For River Lining/ Stream Lining / Canal Lining

river-lining-stream-lining-canal-lining-250x250River Lining is done to protect & store water for longer period for its optimum utilization. Canal Lining formulates to save water and also it can be utilized during repairing of the weak concrete linings in the canal edges. In canal lining: The flow of water determines the type of lining to be used as it proves effective conservation of water and channel around. In canals, LDPE lining provides effective & affordable protection against damage to the canal due to the strong flow of water. 70% of irrigation water is lost in a completely unlined canal. Shalimar Plastic Industries not only offers a complete solution to this perturbing problem, but also offers the best method of repairing the existing deteriorated concrete linings through use of LDPE plastic lining.


LDPE Plastic Sheets For Water Reservoirs Lining

water-reservoirs-lining-250x250Water reservoir plays a vital role in storage and supplying for agriculture, industrial and other purpose. Lining helps in reduction of seepage losses and prevention of water in the surrounding area.


LDPE Plastic Sheet For Water & Sewage Treatment Lining

water-sewage-treatment-lining-250x250Water is main source of irrigation and due to escape of water and water contamination there is always shortage of water in agriculture and industrial usage. For the same on-site water storage and treatment reservoir liner are considered key portions of water treatment facilities. It includes:

  •  Sewage Treatment – treatment and disposal of human waste.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment – the treatment of wet wastes from manufacturing industry and commerce including mining, quarrying and heavy industries.
  • Agricultural Wastewater Treatment – treatment and disposal of liquid animal waste, pesticide residues etc. from agriculture.


LDPE Plastic Sheets For Salt Pans Sheet

salt-pans-sheets-250x250Salt evaporation ponds, also called salter or salt pans, are shallow artificial ponds designed to produce salts from sea water or other brines. The seawater or brine is fed into large ponds and water is drawn out through natural evaporation which allows the salt to be subsequently harvested. The ponds also provide a productive resting and feeding ground for many species of waterbirds, including several endangered species.

They are usually found close to the source of the salt. These pans used in the solar evaporation of salt from sea water are usually found on the coast.





LDPE Plastic Sheets For Rainwater Harvesting Pond Cover

rainwater-harvesting-pond-covers-250x250Rainwater can be harvested in a dugout-cum-embankment pond at the mid or lower reaches of the hill slope for multiple uses including drinking water supply, livestock and other domestic uses, recycling in winter season for crop production and fish production. The soil in some places are extremely low water holding capacity and seepage losses are very high. Therefore, lining of pond with LDPE polythene film is very much essential for retention of harvested water in the pond at a relatively low cost for the entire dry season.